Упражнения (притяжательный падеж)

В статье «Притяжательный падеж в английском» были рассмотрены правила образования и случаи употребления притяжательного падежа в английском языке. Здесь представлено несколько упражнений с ответами, для закрепления полученных знаний.

  1. Underline the correct words in bold (Подчеркните правильное слово выделенное черным шрифтом).
  2. “Who is she?” “She’s Tom’s and Bob’s / Tom and Bob’s sister.
  3. “Is this Paul / Paul’s?” “No, this is mine.”
  4. “What’s your father’s / father name?
  5. Where are the children’ / the children’s books?
  6. This is the leg of / the leg’s the table.
  7. Helen’s / Helens ball is green and white.


  1. Write ’s in the correct place in the sentences as in the example (Поставьте ’s в нужное место в предложении, как в примере).
  2. Tom is Liza’s cousin.
  3. Is this Bob car?
  4. Where’s Billy bag?
  5. It’s Sara birthday on Monday.
  6. What’s your wife name?
  7. Peter is my brother friend.
  8. Diana flat is in the centre of London.
  9. My uncle name is Jack.


1) Underline the correct answer (Подчеркни правильный ответ).

  1. Liza is Ted’s wife / grandmother.
  2. Gary is Ken’s brother / cousin.
  3. Bob is Monica’s grandfather / grandmother.
  4. Ted is Ken and Gary’s father / uncle.
  5. Caroline is Gary’s aunt / mother.
  6. Harry is Caroline’s father / husband.

2) Look at the family tree and complete the sentences as in the example (Посмотри на семейное древо и заполни пропуски как в примере).

  1. Harry is Caroline’s husband.
  2. Monica is…………………………….daughter.
  3. Lucy is…………………….mother.
  4. Ken and Gary are…………….cousins.
  5. Bob is ……………………..father.
  6. Liza is……………..sister.


  1. Correct the mistakes as in the example (Исправьте ошибки, как в примере).
  2. Is that Tom’s and Peter umbrellas.                       Tom and Peter’s
  3. The black hat is Toms’.
  4. The roof’s house is grey.
  5. When is your mothers birthday?
  6. The bags are those women’.
  7. Mice’s tails are grey.
  8. Carols father lives in the countryside.


Ниже представлены ответы к заданиям.

  1. a. 2;
  2. b. 2;
  3. c. 1;
  4. d. 2;
  5. e. 1;
  6. f. 1;
  7. b. Bob’s car (машина Боба);
  8. c. Billy’s bag (сумка Билли);
  9. d. Sara’s birthday (день рожденье Сары);
  10. wife’s name (имя жены);
  11. my brother’s friend (друг моего брата);
  12. g. Diana’s flat (квартира Дианы);
  13. My uncle’s name (имя дяди).


  1. 1) Underline the correct answer (Подчеркни правильный ответ).
  2. Liza is Ted’s wife / grandmother.
  3. Gary is Ken’s brother / cousin.
  4. Bob is Monica’s grandfather / grandmother.
  5. Ted is Ken and Gary’s father / uncle.
  6. Caroline is Gary’s aunt / mother.
  7. Harry is Caroline’s father / husband.


2) Look at the family tree and complete the sentences as in the example (Посмотрите на семейное древо и заполните предложения как в примере).

  1. Harry is Caroline’s husband.
  2. Monica is Harry and Caroline’s daughter.
  3. Lucy is Liza and Harry’s mother.
  4. Ken and Gary are Monica’s cousins.
  5. Bob is Liza and Harry’s father.
  6. Liza is Harry’s sister.


  1. Correct the mistakes as in the example (Исправьте ошибки, как в примере).
  2. Is that Tom’s and Peter umbrellas.                       Tom and Peter’s
  3. The black hat is Toms’.                                       Tom’s
  4. The roof’s house is grey.                                     The roof of the house
  5. When is your mothers birthday?                          mother’s birthday
  6. The bags are those women’.                                 those women’s
  7. Mices’ tails are grey.                                             Mice’s tails
  8. Carols father lives in the countryside.                     Carol’s father